How do I update my payment information?
Then click on the “Account” link that is in white on the navigation bar at the top of the website page. This will bring you to your My Account page.
For your subscription to the circle go to the menu on the left side of the page and click on My Subscription, this is where you can view all details of your subscriptions.
The Change Payment Method button can be used update the payment method for future recurring payments.
To change the payment method used for a subscription:
Select the Change Payment Method button next to a subscription.
Enter the new payment details on the Checkout > Pay page.
Submit the Checkout > Pay form and returns to the My Account page where a confirmation message says that the payment method has been updated.
Here is a video showing this process:
NOTE: This video shows an older version on the Circle Dashboard, but you can still find “My Account” in the dropdown menu.